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LSBF Disability Service: supporting you

Studying can be a very daunting experience for most students - more so if you have a disability or learning difficulty that affects your ability to study. The Disability Services team at the London School of Business and Finance is here to help you reach your academic potential whether you are full-time, part-time, undergraduate or postgraduate.

We support students with a range of conditions. Some examples are listed below:

  • Long-term Medical Conditions e.g. Diabetes, Sickle Cell Disease, HIV, Cancer
  • Long-term Mobility Issues e.g. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, RSI, Paralysis
  • Sensory Impairments e.g. Hearing Impairment, Sight loss
  • Mental Health Issues e.g. Anxiety, Chronic Depression, Schizophrenia, OCD
  • Specific Learning Difficulties e.g. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, AD(H)D, Dyscalculia
  • Autistic Spectrum Conditions e.g. Asperger's Syndrome

Applicants and enrolled students are encouraged to declare any disability or learning difficulty as soon as possible so that support may be allocated early, before the pressures of study and assessment become overwhelming. All student information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is only shared between departments on a need-to-know basis and with the student's consent!

The service at LSBF offers Reasonable Adjustments to students in need of support. Reasonable Adjustments are modifications to study or to assessment that can help a student to overcome obstacles caused by their disability or learning difficulty. This type of support varies, depending on the nature of a student's condition but is usually offered prospectively and in two categories, including but not limited to the following examples:

1)  Reasonable Adjustments to Study

  • Permission to record lectures/classes/workshops
  • Lecture materials/notes provided in advance
  • Library Support
  • Special seating in lectures

2)  Reasonable Adjustments to Assessment

  • Extra time for written exams
  • Deadline extensions for coursework
  • Special seating for exams
  • Permission to type exam answers

If you are a UK student you might also be eligible to receive extra, funded support from Student Finance England through the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA). This support is additional to the support offered by your college and can fund for study aid in the form of specialist equipment, support workers or help with travel.

What will the DSA pay for?

If you are eligible for the Disabled Students' Allowance, you can receive funding for:

  • Equipment such as computers, software, ergonomic equipment and assistive technology
  • One-to-one support for Specialist Study Skills, Mentoring, Scribes, Note-takers and Interpreters
  • General allowances for consumables such as printer paper, ink and non-core textbooks
  • Additional travel costs such as a taxi service to and from your institution.

The DSA does NOT have to be paid back unless you withdraw from your course, in which case you may have to return some of the funding.

How do I know if I'm Eligible for DSA?

To qualify for support through the DSA, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be enrolled on a full-time or part-time Undergraduate or Postgraduate program of study
  • You must have a long-term disability, medical condition or diagnosed learning difficulty
  • You must be a UK citizen OR have been granted Indefinite
  • Leave to Remain by the UK Home Office

If you have a condition that impacts upon your ability to study, you should declare this on your application form or inform the Disability Service of your needs.

What if I have not declared this on my application form but still need the support?

Don't worry. We ask prospective AND enrolled students to fill out a Disability Declaration Form and submit it to us with evidence so that we can better understand how your condition affects you and what kind of support you are likely to require.

What kind of evidence do I need?

Students with a disability, long-term health condition or Mental Health condition will need to submit a letter from their doctor, specialist or professional practitioner. It must clearly state that you have a diagnosis of the condition and if possible, some information about how it affects you. The document MUST be signed and dated, and can be submitted to us electronically or as a paper copy.

NOTE: To keep within DSA regulations, we ask that the medical evidence is no more than 1 year-old. Students with a Specific Learning Difficulty e.g. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, AD(H)D or Dyscalculia, are asked to submit a copy of their diagnostic report from a psychologist or specialist assessor. This must also be signed and must be a post-16 assessment (you were assessed at age 16 or older).

Who will have access to my medical/diagnostic evidence?

Only Disability Service staff will have access to the documents you submit. Departments in collaboration with us will only be informed of what appropriate support must be made to cater for your circumstances. We will not share any information about you without your permission and we treat each student case with the utmost confidentiality.

What if I haven't been diagnosed yet or I don't have any evidence?

If you suspect that you may have a disability or learning difficulty, you can still let us know and we can advise you on how you can get diagnosed or attain evidence for your condition.

How do I apply for the Disabled Students' Allowance?

Your first step is to complete the DSA Application Form and get it to us. Your application will need a university stamp and a copy of your medical/diagnostic evidence. If you are eligible for the DSA, it is important to apply as soon as possible as the application process can take a number of weeks. However, we will help you through the process each step of the way!

Once the Disability Service has reviewed your needs, reasonable adjustments can then be discussed with you and recommended to your academic department.

If you have any questions in this service, please contact our

Student Welfare Officer
Olaniyi Bucknor 
Email: olaniyi.bucknor@gus.global

*appointments available across London campuses upon request 

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