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Strategic Business Leader (ACCA SBL)


The ACCA SBL exam assesses the areas that a board of directors of an organisation will need to consider. The ACCA SBL syllabus looks at big picture areas such as strategy and corporate governance as well as detailed areas such as developing policies on internal controls, audit and approaches to managing projects. 

The SBL course is taught using real world challenges providing students with the practical skills that can be applied directly to the workplace.  

Structure of ACCA SBL exam:  

The four-hour ACCA SBL exam will be based on one organisation and includes a single case study in order to exemplify knowledge from previous levels required. 


Programmes Professional Acca Courses P1


  • Define governance and explain its function in the management and control of organisations
  • Evaluate the role of the accountant
  • Explain the role of the accountant in identifying and assessing risk
  • Explain and evaluate the role of the accountant in relation to risk management
  • Demonstrate the application of professional values and judgement through an ethical framework

As well as studying the technical areas above, 20% of the exam marks are awarded for being able to communicate on these areas.  For example, the exam might require you to draft a letter to a newspaper or prepare a presentation to a group of investors rather than just writing an essay. 

So that you can improve these skills, much of the course will be practical.  You will be asked to prepare answers both in and outside class to be marked by your tutor. 

It won’t only be the technical quality of your answer that matters, but how professional your response is.


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