Business School
Guy Anker,
"I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the LSBF miniMBA. I’ll miss these Thursday nights as you [Nigel Tomlinson] made the sessions both education and fun. My line manager and editor in chief asked me how they were going the other day and I told him how energised I felt after each session as it’s really made me realise what is possible. I’ve already begun using the techniques I’ve learned - both in how I operate at work and in how I help my teams in 121s. Eg, ‘What if’ and ‘why not’ has been said a lot!”
More student testimonials
Juan Cucchi, Argentina
Juan Cucchi chose LSBF EE to pursue the Postgraduate Certificate in Finance as it helps him to get a grasp of the financial mindset in the UK.
Piers Etson, UK
"I found the course extremely beneficial and the mentors would help me every step of the way."
Katharina Bojar, Germany
Katharina awaits the results of her dissertation after having achieved a distinction in the taught part of the programme and is currently undertaking an internship in a legal practice Dr. Frühbeck Abogados in Germany. She is aiming for an international legal career.

Ana Stanel, Romania
Romanian native Ana Stanel chose to study LSBF’s Master in Strategic Marketing Online after several years working as a professional marketer.